Wusylko, C., Xu, Z., Dawson, K., Antonenko, P., Koh, D., Lee, M., Benedict, A. & Bhunia, S. (2022). Using a comic book to engage students in a cryptology and cybersecurity curriculum. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, DOI: 10.1080/15391523.2022.2150726 This article describes the use of a comic book to anchor a cryptology and cybersecurity […]
Tag: cryptology
Online Professional Development to Prepare Afterschool Educators to Teach an Elementary STEM Curriculum: Results of a Design and Evaluation Study
Wusylko, C., Dawson, K., Xu, Z., Antonenko, P. & Doh, D.H. (under review). Online Professional Development to Prepare Afterschool Educators to Teach an Elementary STEM Curriculum: Results of a Design and Evaluation Study. Online professional development (OPD) is a popular professional learning option, especially for those with monetary and time constraints such as afterschool educators. […]
Blended, Transmedia Learning: Investigating the Engagement of Elementary Students in a Cryptology and Cybersecurity Curriculum
Xu, Z., Dawson, K., Antonenko, P., Koh, D. & Wusylko, C. (2022). Blended, Transmedia Learning: Investigating the Engagement of Elementary Students in a Cryptology and Cybersecurity Curriculum. Journal of Online Learning Research, 8(3), 393-424. This convergent mixed method study investigates learner engagement during a blended, transmedia curriculum called CryptoComics, which is designed to teach 3rd-5th […]
Exploring How Touch Gesture Interactions Support Visuospatial Cognition in a Cryptology and Cybersecurity Curriculum
Xu, Z., Antonenko, P., Dawson, K., Koh, D.H., Wusylko, C. (2023). Exploring How Touch Gesture Interactions Support Visuospatial Cognition in a Cryptology and Cybersecurity Curriculum. [Poster presentation]. American Educational Research Association. Although many studies have explored the efficacy of touch-screen devices in supporting student learning, we have very limited understanding regarding the specific mechanisms by […]
Modeling Student Behavior in Blended, Transmedia Curriculum by Using a Hidden Markov Model
Koh, D.H., Zhang, F., Xu, Z., Wusylko, C., Dawson, K., Antonenko, P. (2023). Modeling Student Behavior in Blended, Transmedia Curriculum by Using a Hidden Markov Model. [Paper presentation]. Association for Educational Communications and Technology. This paper describes the design and evaluation of the student behavior model in a blended, transmedia curriculum called CryptoComics. We developed […]
How Does Digital Technology Support Visuospatial Cognition? – A Meta-Analysis Study
Xu, Z., Zhang, H., & Antonenko, P. (2022). How Does Digital Technology Support Visuospatial Cognition? – A Meta-Analysis Study. [Paper presentation]. Association for Educational Communications and Technology. This meta-analysis systematically reviewed the use of digital technologies in scaffolding visuospatial cognition. We conclude that technology-assisted visuospatial training is more effective than non-technology training in supporting visuospatial […]
Scaffolding Visuospatial Cognition in a Cryptology and Cybersecurity Curriculum for Elementary Students
Xu, Z., Koh, D.H., Antonenko, P., Wusylko, C., Dawson, K., Lee, M. Benedict, A., Bhunia, S. (2022). Scaffolding Visuospatial Cognition in a Cryptology and Cybersecurity Curriculum for Elementary Students. [Poster presentation]. American Educational Research Association. Even though visuospatial cognition has been identified as a critical to STEM learning, it is not explicitly taught or scaffolded […]
Exploring the Embodied Affordances of Touch Screen Devices to Support Visuospatial Cognition and Engineering Learning
Xu, Z., Antonenko, P., Dawson, K., Koh, D.H., Wusylko, C. (2023). Exploring the Embodied Affordances of Touch Screen Devices to Support Visuospatial Cognition and Engineering Learning. [Paper presentation]. Association for Educational Communications and Technology. This study explores how the embodied affordance of the touch-screen devices is associated with student learning of cryptology and cybersecurity knowledge […]
Engaging Upper Elementary Students in a Technology-Enhanced Cryptology and Cybersecurity Curriculum – National Implementation
Xu, Z., Antonenko, P., Dawson, K., Koh, D.H., Wusylko, C., Benedict, A., Bhunia, S. (2022). Engaging Upper Elementary Students in a Technology-Enhanced Cryptology and Cybersecurity Curriculum – National Implementation. [Paper presentation]. Association for Educational Communications and Technology. This paper reports research results from the national implementation of an elementary level technology-enhanced cryptology and cybersecurity curriculum. […]
Scaffolding Visuospatial Cognition in a Cryptology and Cybersecurity Curriculum for Elementary Students
Xu, Z., Antonenko, P. Koh, D.H., Dawson, K.& Wysulko, C. (2022, April 21-25). Scaffolding Visuospatial Cognition in a Cryptology and Cybersecurity Curriculum for Elementary Students. [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association. Even though visuospatial cognition has been identified as a critical to STEM learning, it is not explicitly taught or scaffolded in K-12 STEM education. […]
Design and Evaluation of an Online Professional Development for an Afterschool Cryptology and Cybersecurity Curriculum
Wusylko, C., Xu, Z., Dawson, K., Antonenko, P., Koh, D.H., Benedict, A., Bhunia, S. (2022). Design and Evaluation of an Online Professional Development for an Afterschool Cryptology and Cybersecurity Curriculum. [Paper presentation]. Association for Educational Communications and Technology. This paper describes the design and evaluation of a content heavy STEM online professional development (OPD) designed […]
Using a Comic Book to Engage Students in a Cryptology and Cybersecurity Curriculum
Wysulko, C., Xu, Z., Dawson, K., Antonenko, P. & Koh, D.H. (2022, April 21-25). Using a Comic Book to Engage Students in a Cryptology and Cybersecurity Curriculum. [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association. Women and minority groups are underrepresented in the field of cybersecurity. Seen as a pipeline issue, cultivating STEM interest using educational efforts […]
Promoting Interdisciplinary Integration of Cybersecurity, Knowledge, Skills and Career Awareness in Preservice Teacher Education
Dawson, K., Xu, Z., Wusylko, C., & Antonenko, P. (2022). Promoting Interdisciplinary Integration of Cybersecurity, Knowledge, Skills and Career Awareness in Preservice Teacher Education. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 30(2), 275-287. K-12 teachers and students are vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks and mostly ill-prepared to deal with them. The CO- VID-19 pandemic has only increased […]
Engaging Children in Cryptology and Cybersecurity Learning and Career Awareness
Antonenko, P., Xu, Z., Wusylko, C. Dawson, K., Koh, D. H., Benedict, A., & Bhunia, S. (2022). Engaging Children in Cryptology and Cybersecurity Learning and Career Awareness. American Society for Engineering Education, NSF Grantees Poster Session. Minneapolis, MN. Cryptology, the art of making and breaking secret codes (Stepheson, 1999), has been used to hide secret […]
CryptoComics: Design of an Integrative STEM+C Transmedia Curriculum
Antonenko, P., Dawson, K., Xu, Z., Koh, D. H., Wusylko, C., Benedict, A., Bhunia, S. (2022). CryptoComics: Design of an Integrative STEM+C Transmedia Curriculum. International Association for Research on Science Teaching. This paper addresses the need for educators to generate more and better solutions for integrating STEM+C disciplines in afterschool programs. In project CryptoComics, we […]
Engaging Elementary Learners in Cryptography and Cybersecurity: A Formative Evaluation of a Technology-Enhanced Curriculum
Xu, X., Antonenko, P., Koh, D.H., Dawson, K., & Wusylko, C. (2021). Engaging Elementary Learners in Cryptography and Cybersecurity: A Formative Evaluation of a Technology-Enhanced Curriculum. [Paper presentation]. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, virtual. This paper reports formative evaluation results of a technology-enhanced curriculum design and development effort aimed at engaging upper elementary afterschool […]
Opportunities for design, development and implementation of an elementary school cryptology and cybersecurity curriculum during COVID-19
Wusylko, C. Dawson, K., Koh, D.H., Antonenko, P., & Xu, Z. (2021). Opportunities for design, development and implementation of an elementary school cryptology and cybersecurity curriculum during COVID-19. [Paper presentation]. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, virtual. This paper details the practice our diverse design team used to iteratively design, develop, and implement a culturally […]
Comic book introduces kids to key concepts and careers in cybersecurity
Dawson, K. & Antonenko, P. (2021). Comic book introduces kids to key concepts and careers in cybersecurity. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/comic-book-introduces-kids-to-key-concepts-and-careers-in-cybersecurity-171163 Cracking a code is one of many challenges the girls complete to help characters in CryptoComics escape a mysterious cyberworld into which they’ve been drawn. CryptoComics is a curriculum designed to teach elementary school children […]
Decoding Teacher Perceptions of the Usability and Feasibility of a Technology Enhanced Cryptography Curriculum
Antonenko, P., Xu, Z., Koh, D. H., Dawson, K., Wusylko, C., Benedict, A., & Bhunia, S. (2021). Decoding teacher perceptions of the usability and feasibility of a technology-enhanced cryptography curriculum. Paper presented at the 2021 Conference of the American Educational Research Association. This study reports empirical data on educator perceptions of the usability and feasibility […]
Cultivating Elementary Students’ Interest in Cryptography and Cybersecurity
Xu, Z., Koh, R., Antonenko, P., Dawson, K., Bhunia, S., Benedict, A. (2019). Cultivating elementary students’ interest in cryptography and cybersecurity. Presented at the 2019 Conference of the UF Nelms Institute for Connected Worlds, Gainesville, FL. This poster provides an overview of the CryptoComics project. Specifically it addresses the following aspects:• Cryptography is the foundation […]
Design of a Technology-Enhanced and Culturally Responsive Curriculum to Engage Elementary Children in Cryptography and Cybersecurity
Antonenko, P., Xu, Z., Koh, D., Dawson, K., Bhunia, S., Benedict, A. (2020). Design of a technology-enhanced and culturally responsive curriculum to engage elementary children in cryptography and cybersecurity. Paper presented at the 2020 Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. This presentation discussed the experiences and strategies of a diverse, interdisciplinary team […]